Captain Stormfield, Hellmouth & Assasins Reading Club

March 2019

4Cose, London

Like the course of a good conversation, Joanne Newman and I have made exhibitions together which meander through a wide range of motifs and conclude in baroque absurdities.

Captain Stormfield

The title of this show references Mark Twain’s short story Captain Stormfield's Visit to Heaven, which follows Captain Elias Stormfield on his decades long cosmic journey to heaven on a magic carpet.

Joanne’s magic-carpet-rug-objects acted for her as an in-between space of possibility, and she lent them to me as a place for my ceramic objects to sit. We held the show at 4Cose, a radical Italian food shop, gallery space, studio, and artwork, all at once - made by artists Cullinan Richards.

Hellmouth & Assasins Reading Club

After travelling to heaven, we explored hell. According to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the entrance to hell is called Hellmouth, so we started there.

Joanne made a publication and I made ceramic pieces wrapped in paintings. We then held a ‘reading club’ where we invited guests to read excerpts from hellish novels and movie scripts aloud, into a microphone by candlelight.
