A5 postcard on recycled card, 2x2 pine, acrylic paint, 2021
Mating dance of the muddy trainer and shoelace.
Acrylic on A5 postcard; acrylic on pine, 2021
Taming the Beast
Acrylic on A4 postcards made from recycled paper; unfired clay, 2021
Atropa Belladonna, wrapped in a sly smile.
Acrylic on inkject postcards and paper, 2021
Pheonixes that also look like Elmo, flying around
Acrylic on postcards and paper; 2021
Acrylic on postcards; 2020
Acrylic on postcards and paper; 2021
E V A D E !
Acrylic on postcards; 2020
Opera singing tears wrapped in La Traviata.
Inkjet postcards, acrylic paint, marker pen, recycled paper; 2021
Acrylic and blu tack on postcards; 2020
catch me if you can
Acrylic on postcards; 2020
B A N D I T S Moonlight Heist
Acrylic and blu tack on postcards; 2020
Anthony and Pinkthony (front and back)
Acrylic on postcard, fimo; 2020
Amulets & Talismen
Greasy (postcards)
Plates for no reason